We understand how valuable it can be to your career to get a sync placement for one of your songs. We also know just how hard it is to get your music into an advertising campaign, and while we can’t assist you with that directly, here is a little general guidance that might help.
The starting point is that we will not represent your music. That’s simply not something that we do, we leave that to the professionals – the music publishers and the record labels. We source our songs from them, and they are the ones who are best placed to help their writers and artists, by striving to get syncs for them whenever the opportunity arises.
(Some music supervision companies do represent music catalogues, artists and writers, but we don’t own any music rights, and we don’t represent any musical works. We prefer to be unbiased and objective in our choices because we work specifically for our advertising clients, finding them the best songs for their requirements, and it would be a conflict of interest for us to push specific songs or songwriters.)
Also, we only focus on what we do best – finding and licensing commercially released songs for advertising campaigns. That means we don’t commission compositions, we don’t do sound design, and we don’t get involved in films and TV series. If you are interested in those areas, you would need to look elsewhere.
So, although we can’t help you ourselves, the best advice we can give you is to find a reputable publisher and a good record label. Ask around, do your due diligence, talk to your peers, and find someone to represent you who knows what they are doing.